Education Initiatives 

Our recent charitable efforts to assist Nasrul Ilm based initiatives 

As of 2021 under Founder, Shaykh Muhammadou Mahy Cisse’s direction, the newly developed Islamic Educational Academy – Centre Islamic Nasrul Ill has been established as a comprehensive learning institute in Medina-Kaolack, Senegal, where children and young adults are welcome from across the globe including the U.S., Europe, and the Caribbean to study Qur`an and also receive academic support in secular subjects. 

Centre Islamic Nasrul Ill offers students a unique opportunity to live and study in an Islamic environment and gain a rich and meaningful cultural experience. Teachers and educators are globally recruited to teach and tutor which allows the students to keep up with their secular studies while benefiting from living in Africa in an Islamic environment under the direction and guidance of Shaykh Muhammadou Mahy Cisse. Students who have completed their studies by memorizing the entire Qur`an (Hafiz) have been successfully admitted to colleges and universities in the United States and abroad.  

Dear Donor,
Adequately sourced schools ensure students are more apt to succeed because teachers are effectively equipped to provide quality teaching, and students have resources at their disposal. Our students and teachers need your support – from desks, notebooks, and technology learning equipment, to office furniture, dormitory furniture, cleaning supplies, and shipping costs.

We hope and pray that you are able to contribute and help us to continue with this worthwhile project of establishing high-quality Islamic educational environments.

 Our non-profit NGO The African American Islamic Institute, Inc will provide you with a tax deductible receipt along with an itemized list of your donations at year end.
